The Echo Sanctuary

Greetings fellow intellectuals, my name is Darius.

I am a modern philosopher and theorist, and I will help you evolve as a human being and improve your life significantly through deep contemplation. I specialize in no topic other than life itself, which is the umbrella term for all human understanding. Whether theology, sociology, metaphysics, axiology, logic, consciousness or epistemology, I do not back down from any topic. To paint the whole picture you need every colour. Debates are the life source of my knowledge.

Many people find one way to make sense of the world we live in. Whether through physics, mathematics, or theology, we are all humans in search for more than is showed to us on the surface. I am a young man trying to explain life through philosophy, as in asking the right questions. I don't always find proper explanations, but I persevere and keep my head up, regardless of how much nihilism this path induces.

Philosophy is all about understanding that you do not really understand anything, and then turning that into unlimited drive towards improvement of the psyche. One man cannot know all, but humanity can strive to know all that can be known.

Evolve, one thought at a time.

Never idolize me. My writings are simply a bridge.

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© 2023-2024 Darius G.