The Echo Sanctuary

The Echo Sanctuary - Your intellectual realm

Are the people around you failures?

Were you ever in need of actual knowledge?

Did you ever wish to escape the consumption of pointless content?

Did you ever want to contemplate life, but didn't have a place to get ideas from?

You are on the right path. Life was never meant to be so comfortable and uninteresting. You were put here, on this planet, with a purpose, with a deeper meaning to your existence, something that you must discover in order to reach your full potential.

All you must do is ask the right questions

Before you can fathom the answers, you need to contemplate the right questions.

Your journey towards enlightenment will not be easy, but necessary.

The most important thing you must do to embark on this journey is to figure out your priorities. What do you care about, and why? Once you have a path to go down, you are ready to traverse it. You have a bull's-eye to hit, this will be your temporary purpose.

As you can imagine, life gets meaningless and bleak when you have nothing to work towards, and thus, you must find a reason for why you are striving for greatness.

The question that philosophy answers is "why?" It is arguably the question that will give you the most insight.

Can we actually explain the reason for everything?

Is asking "why?" the way out of a confusing existence?

The more you try to understand everything,

The more you are confused with nothing itself.

More doors lead to even more doors,

And before you know it, you have a maze.

Everything is what we cannot fathom in our own physical world.

The world is infinite as far as we know,

Thus, everything is everywhere, leaving no room for nothing.

Therefore, they're opposites, yet nothing does not exist.

The world is complicated, isn't it? But why?

When you have such conflicting explanations and presences of concepts,

Can you really understand everything with one single type of question?

We question everything, through philosophy: asking why,

But can a human-thought subject of knowledge explain what we did not create?

I think this search for reasons is just avoidance of the real problem,

Which is that we do not actually know anything.

If the search never ends, neither do the opportunities to find answers.

Maybe if you search through every piece of rubble,

You will find something, right?

The movement of our Sanctuary

Any movement or mission can exist independently as merely a concept or an idea.

As the leader, I have to take this standing concept and turn it into a walking ecosystem.

We won't just walk though, we will run.

My mission is to create a place for young philosophy enthusiasts who not only want to learn more about life and being itself, but also do not want to be judged for it.

I want to make this movement immortal, unable to be taken down by the malevolent forces in the world. Because of the Sanctuary's ties with self-improvement and the resistance to our flawed modern world we are at risk of being cut off. I want to make sure that does not happen.

So, to combat this, you can subscribe to my newsletter, in order to always keep evolving, one thought at a time, and join my Discord server so we can chat.

Extensions of The Echo Sanctuary:

© 2023-2024 Darius G.